A data leak has revealed that 1.5 million of the Uyghur population of Chinese people have been forced into internment camps by the Chinese government. The government’s efforts to silence their families and other ethnic minorities in the region has led to the breakup of families and genocide. The former President of Xinjiang University, Dr. Tashpolat Tiyip, is one example; after being tried, ... Continue Reading>>
President of Xinxiang University Arrested Four Years Ago. Whereabouts Unknown to This Day
China Restricts On-Line Conferences Hosted By Sponsors Out of the Country
China cracks down on foreign-hosted online conferences by Eugene Chudnovsky | September 01, 2020 06:00 AM ... Continue Reading>>
CCS Co-Chair Pens an Op-Ed About Tashpolat Tiyip, Uighur Scholar Secretly Tried and Sentenced to Death in China
He was a world-famous Uighur academic, but China sentenced him to death anyway by Eugene Chudnovsky | October 14, 2019 03:39 PM Tashpolat Tiyip, president of Xinjiang University and one of China’s best-known geographers, was last seen at a Beijing airport in spring 2017 on his way to the opening of a research center in Germany. On that day he disappeared without a ... Continue Reading>>
Take Action To Free Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali (Iran) and Dr. Tashpolat Tiyip (In China) From Execution
Please sign the petitions provided by Scholars at Risk for World Day Against the Death Penalty in support of Dr. Djalali and Dr. Tiyip who are currently imprisoned in Iran and China, respectively, sentenced to be executed for false charges. CCS has written to support both of these gentlemen previously (can be found on this website). Dr. Djalali is a professor of disaster medicine and was arrested ... Continue Reading>>
Former President of Xinjiang University Sentenced to Possible Execution for Separatism
Dr. Tashpolat Tiyip, former President of Xinjiang University has been tried and sentenced for separatism. Sentence was for a deferred execution. Dr. Tiyip is an internationally renowned geographer. [gview file="https://concernedscientists.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/TiyipTashpolat-China.09202019.docx"] ... Continue Reading>>