Former Professor of Fatih University Sentenced to 9 Years In Prison – Still in Jail
Ahmet Metin Sekizkardes, a former journalist and professor of Fatih University was arrested in July 2016 on charges of being a member of an armed terrorist organization. He was convicted and sentenced to nine years in prison and is still confined. The charges appear to be unsubstantiated. Fatih was one of the top private universities in Turkey and closed by the government after the failed coup ... Continue Reading>>
Former Rector of Turgut Ozal University Still In Jail After Three Years
Abdulkadir Sengun was the Rector and Professor of Turgut Ozal University. He was arrested following the July 16 attempted coup and charged with being a member of an armed terrorist organization. He was sentenced to more than eight years in prison. Turgut Ozal University was one of the schools that the current Turkish administration closed. His relationship to the school seems to be the basis for ... Continue Reading>>
Approaching Hearing for Academic Charged With Releasing Research Information
Bulent Sik, a former Turkish academic, is charged with releasing research information he thought needed to be released to ensure the public safety. His hearing will be held on September 26th. Link to Fact Sheet: [pdf-embedder url=""] ... Continue Reading>>
Another Academic for Peace Sentenced to 2 Years, 1 Month in Prison
Ayşe Gül Altınay, an anthropology professor from Sabancı University was sentenced to 2 years and 1 month in prison on May 21, 2019. She is being charged with "knowingly and willingly aiding a terrorist organization as a non-member" for having signed a petition in 2016 protesting human rights violations in Southeastern Turkey (the Peace Petition). Her sentence is being appealed. To this day, 193 ... Continue Reading>>
A Doctoral Student in Finance at the University of Liege in Belgium Arrested in Iran for Communicating with a Hostile Government
Hamid Babaei, a doctoral student currently serving a 6-year sentence at Evin Prison has deteriorating health conditions. He suffers from panic disorders and has severe gum disease. Mr. Babaei has been sentenced for “acting against national security by communicating with a hostile government.” This was the acceptance of his scholarship. CCS has written the Ayatollah requesting that he review ... Continue Reading>>
Turkey Requests Extradition of Manager and Teacher at Demirel College Who Has Lived in Georgia Since 2002
Turkey has requested Georgia to extradite Mustafa Cabuk alleging that he faces “terrorism” charges due to his alleged involvement with the Gulen movement. Georgia has denied refugee status to Cabuk and his family. CCS has written the Prime Minister of Georgia requesting a review and reconsideration for the Cabuk family as their well-being will most likely be in jeopardy if sent to ... Continue Reading>>
Seyoum Teshome, Ethiopian University Lecturer Detained
Seyoum Teshome, University Lecturer in Ethiopian, detained. Reason unknown, but it is suspected that he had posted anti-government information on his blog and on Facebook. CCS encourages his immediate release. July 5, 2017 Hailemariam Dessalegn Prime Minister FDRE Prime Minister Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Fax: +251 11 122 6292 Your Excellency: The Committee of Concerned ... Continue Reading>>
Dr. Merrera Gudina, Ethiopia, Hearing Scheduled for July 7, 2017
Dr. Merera Gudina, former professor of political science at Addis Ababa University and chair of the Oromo Federalist Congress will return to court for a verdict ruling on charges related to his peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of expression and association on July 7, 2017. July 5, 2017 Hailemariam Dessalegn FDRE Prime Minister Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Fax: +251 11 122 ... Continue Reading>>
Law Student, Jatupat Boonpattararaksa at Khon Kaen University, Detained Five Months for Facebook Post
Jatupat (“Pai”) Boonpattararaksa, law school student at Khon Kaen University has been detained since December (and can receive up to a 15 year sentence) for a Facebook post that was insulting to the monarch. Pai has been denied bail because the post was not removed. Pai has been continually subjected to internal searches and there is concern that he is at risk of torture or other ... Continue Reading>>