He was a world-famous Uighur academic, but China sentenced him to death anyway by Eugene Chudnovsky | October 14, 2019 03:39 PM Tashpolat Tiyip, president of Xinjiang University and one of China’s best-known geographers, was last seen at a Beijing airport in spring 2017 on his way to the opening of a research center in Germany. On that day he disappeared without a ... Continue Reading>>
Former President of Xinjiang University Sentenced to Possible Execution for Separatism
Dr. Tashpolat Tiyip, former President of Xinjiang University has been tried and sentenced for separatism. Sentence was for a deferred execution. Dr. Tiyip is an internationally renowned geographer. [gview file="https://concernedscientists.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/TiyipTashpolat-China.09202019.docx"] ... Continue Reading>>