He was a world-famous Uighur academic, but China sentenced him to death anyway by Eugene Chudnovsky | October 14, 2019 03:39 PM Tashpolat Tiyip, president of Xinjiang University and one of China’s best-known geographers, was last seen at a Beijing airport in spring 2017 on his way to the opening of a research center in Germany. On that day he disappeared without a ... Continue Reading>>
Uighur Doctoral Student Disappears; Family Concerned She Is In Re-Education Camp
Guligeina Tashimaimaiti, a Uighur Ph.D. student, writer and scholar returned from a trip to Malaysia on December 26, 2017 and her family has not seen nor heard from her since. CCS has written the Party Secretary of the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region requesting her release and her safety. July 7, 2018 Chen Quanguo Party Secretary of the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region 479 Zhongshan ... Continue Reading>>