INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE COUNCIL – World’s Leading Bodies of Social and Natural Sciences to Merge in 2018, Becoming “International Science Council”
At an October 26, 2017, meeting in Taipei, over 90% of members of the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the International Social Science Council (ISSC) voted to create a new cross-disciplinary organization, called the International Science Council, that will facilitate the collaboration of 40 international scientific organizations, and over 140 national and regional science bodies. The mission of the new Council will be “to serve as the global voice of science, providing leadership in catalyzing, incubating and coordinating international action on issues of major public concern.
https://www.icsu.org/current/press/worlds-leading-bodies-of-social-and-natural-sciences-to-merge-in-2018-becoming-international-science-council (International Council for Science, October 26, 2017)