Dr. Maura Finkelstein, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Muhlenberg College, was recently suspended following controversial social media posts and allegations of misconduct relating to her behavior in the classroom. The Committee is concerned this extreme action of stripping tenure from a faculty member for their political views threatens academic freedom everywhere and asks the College to provide clarity on its decision.
Dr. Kathleen E. Harring, President
Muhlenberg College
2400 Chew Street
Allentown, PA 18104
October 7, 2024
Dear President Harring,
The Committee of Concerned Scientists is an independent organization of scientists, physicians, engineers, and scholars devoted to the protection and advancement of human rights and scientific freedom for colleagues all over the world.
We are writing to inquire about the case of Associate Professor Maura Finkelstein which has been in the news lately. It has been reported that she was suspended from her tenured position for expressing her views about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We understand that the criticism raised by the college has, at least partially, to do with Prof. Finkelstein’s posts on social media. The September 24, 2024 Inside Higher Education article also mentions allegations of misconduct related to Prof. Finkelstein’s behavior in the classroom. We would like to request that you make the details of such allegations known to us. Keeping them secret facilitates rumors that Prof. Finkelstein has been treated unfairly.
Many in academia, regardless of their position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, view the decision of Muhlenberg College as an infringement on Prof. Finkelstein’s academic freedom. The concern is that such a rare action against a tenured professor may open a Pandora’s Box of stripping tenure from a faculty member for their political views.
We would greatly appreciate it if you shared your opinion on the matters raised in this letter and informed us of any further developments in the case of Prof. Finkelstein.
Joel L. Lebowitz, Paul H. Plotz, Walter Reich, Eugene M. Chudnovsky, Alexander Greer
Co-Chairs, Committee of Concerned Scientists