Natalia Sharina, a Russian librarian, was placed under house arrest for allegedly “inciting hatred” because the library contained books banned under Russian anti-extremism laws. Ms. Sharina was detained and may be tried as an attempt to intimidate librarians. The Committee of Concerned Scientists has written to President Putin requesting that he take all steps necessary to ensure that charges ... Continue Reading>>
Ecologist Aleksandr Kolchenko Tried in Russian Military Court and Found Guilty
Aleksandr Kolchenko, a Ukrainian Ecologist, was found guilty of organizing attacks against pro-Russian organizations and conspiring to destroy a statue of Lenin. CCS is requesting that his case be reviewed and retried in a civilian court. CCS is also requesting that his well-being be assured and he have access to his attorney and his family. October 1, 2015 Mr. Vladimir Putin President of ... Continue Reading>>
Scientists Protest Against Kremlin Threat to Research
Nick Holdsworth, University World News, 06/11 — Russian scientists and intellectuals mounted a rare public protest on 6 June to voice their fears that research and freedom of enquiry are under threat from the Kremlin. Several thousand protesters gathered in Moscow on Saturday 6 June to highlight growing red tape and President Vladimir Putin's fear-driven agenda that has seen a leading private ... Continue Reading>>
CCS Urges Reinstatement of Russian Scientist Punished for Attending Stony Brook Workshop
Four scientists at Russia's Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) resigned in protest after their colleague Alexander Gorsky was fired for attending a workshop at Stony Brook University. As a condition for his attendance, where Gorsky was to deliver a paper published a year earlier, ITEP's administration allegedly demanded a cooperative agreement with Stony Brooks and a ... Continue Reading>>
Russian Winner of Sakharov Prize Writes Urging President Putin to Help Kokabee
Boris Altshuler, physicist and chairman of the NGO "Right of the Child", who won the 2013 Sakharov human rights prize together with Omid Kokabee, addressed a letter to President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, suggesting that he appeal to Dr. Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran, requesting Omid Kokabee's release from prison so that the latter can pursue his studies at the University of ... Continue Reading>>