Bahrain's Interior Ministry revoked Dr. Masaud Jahromi's citizenship without notice or opportunity to respond, on grounds of "terrorist activities" or "advocating regime change through illegal means." OUR PREVIOUS ACTIVITIES The Jahromi Archive Jahromi, Chair of the Ahlia University's Computer Science Department, has never participated in either of these. CCS wrote protesting such arbitrary ... Continue Reading>>
Seven Students Reportedly Convicted on Separatism Charges in China
View image | Seven students of Professor Ilham Tohti's have reportedly been sentenced to three to eight years in prison in China on charges of separatism. They were arrested at the same time that Tohti was, and CCS is concerned that some of the students were coerced into testifying against Professor Tohti in order to receive lighter sentences. President Xi Jinping The State ... Continue Reading>>
US Government Agencies Concerned with Human Rights Listed by AAAS Committee
Juan S. Gallardo, past co-chair of the Committee on the Welfare of Scientists of the AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition, has compiled a list of US Government agencies and Congressional committees that are concerned with human rights abuses. This list includes links to and contact information for these resources. ... Continue Reading>>
Turkey Prosecutes Leaders of Organizations Involved in Gezi Protests, Scientists Included
Criminal trials have started against many of the organizations included in peaceful protests in 2011. Included are the leaders of associations of medical, engineering and architects. According to Amnesty International, the indictment charging these defendants does not contain any evidence of participation in or incitement to violence or any other criminal activity. CCS wrote to urge dismissal of ... Continue Reading>>
Iranian Graduate Student in Belgium Sentenced for Scholarship Funding
In a repeat of the arrest, prosecution, and sentencing of Omid Kokabee, Hamid Babaei, an industrial engineering student in Belgium, was arrested as he attempted to return to his studies at the University of Liege. He was sentenced to six years in prison for communicating with a hostile government, apparently on the basis of his scholarship funding. CCS wrote to protest this charge, that Babaei ... Continue Reading>>
Addendum to Kokabee Letters
Information on specific violations from Saeed Khalili, Omid Kokabee’s lawyer Kokabee suffered illegal detention while his ruling was determined through bail - however, the judicial officials did not accept the bail offer. No evidence was presented against Kokabee in a trial with over a dozen other defendants in a very short trial, under 20 minutes. Kokabee’s rights were violated by Iranian ... Continue Reading>>