Tuna Altınel has returned to Lyon today (Saturday, EST) in the afternoon, after a 2 year harassment by Turkish authorities. This is not the end of his struggle, as Turkey still threatens to cancel his passport. Moreover, as he said before the press, "there are thousands of Tuna Altınels without a support committee." His return was made possible by your mobilization. ... Continue Reading>>
Passport Returned, French Professor Free to Return to France
Professor Tuna Altınel free to return to France After more than two years of legal and administrative procedures in Turkey, Professor Tuna Altınel has been acquitted of all charges brought and has had his passport returned by the Turkish authorities, and is ex-pected to return to France in the near future. The CCS has followed this process closely from the beginning, sending an observer to his ... Continue Reading>>
French Researcher Released From Turkish Prison, Still Awaiting Return of His Passport
Tuna Altinel, French Professor, Acquitted of All Charges and Released By Turkish Court But Passport Still Withheld
Acting President of French University Claude Bernard Lyon-1 Writes Regional Court of Bursa in Defense of Tuna Altinel – A Professor/Researcher at the University
Tuna Altinel, a Researcher-Professor at French University Claude Bernard Lyon-1, was arrested for having attended a public meeting in Villeurbanne organized by the Association “Armities Kurdes” on February 21, 2019. The charges were dismissed by the Balikesir Court in February 21, 2020 but the prosecutor appealed this decision. Mr. Altinel is unable to leave Turkey and return to his job at the ... Continue Reading>>
French Professor Acquitted And Released From Turkish Prison, Passport Still Not Restored
Professor Tuna Altinel from the University Lyon-1 in France was acquitted on appeal of all charges. However, his freedom of travel has not been restored by the passport authorities on grounds that it must first be reviewed by the court. Thus, he is unable to continue his employment until the court renders a decision. CCS has written the court requesting that they expedite this matter and ... Continue Reading>>
Tuna Altinel Acquitted of Charges at Final Hearing in Turkey
Tuna Altinel, Associate Professor of Mathematics at Lyon-1 University of France, has been acquitted of “membership in a terrorist organization” at his final hearing. Altinel had been found not guilty in a previous hearing, but when he went to inquire about the status of his passport he was re-arrested due to charges imposed by the prosecutor. No travel ban has been issued to Altinel, but his ... Continue Reading>>
Mathematician, Tuna Altinel, Denied Return of Passport, Despite Court Ruling Allowing Him to Leave Country
Tuna Altinel, a mathematics professor at Frances Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University was arrested in May 2019 and released in July while awaiting a second hearing in November. When released he was not denied travel but his passport was not returned. As there is no legal restriction on his travel CCS is requesting that his passport be returned to him. November 19, ... Continue Reading>>
On July 30, Gregory Cherlin, Member of the CCS Advisory Board, Attended the Court Hearing in Turkey for the Case of a Turkish-French Mathematician, Tuna Altinel. Here is Prof. Cherlin’s Report on the Hearing.
[pdf-embedder url="https://concernedscientists.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/AltinelTunabyCherlin.Final_.pdf" title="AltinelTunabyCherlin.Final"] ... Continue Reading>>
Mathematician Tuna Altinel, Imprisoned in Turkey on Bogus Charges, Has Been Released From Prison
Tuna Altinel, Professor of Mathematics at Lyon 1 University in France, arrested in Turkey on May 11, 2019, on bogus charges of belonging to a terrorist organization, has been released from prison after his hearing today, which was attended by politicians, journalists, and academics: Release Verdict for Academic for Peace Tuna Altınel ... Continue Reading>>