Ricardo Baltodano Marcenaro, a history professor and president of the teacher’s union at Universidad Politecnica de Nicaragua, was arrested in September 2018 and charged with setting a fire, a charge for which there is little evidence. He seems to have been arrested for his participation in a protest march. He has been ordered to be imprisoned until trial. To date he is still confined. Of ... Continue Reading>>
Internationally Respected Geneticist Arrested for Criticizing Government in Sudan
Dr. Muntaser Ibrahim, was arrested on February 21, 2019 for allegedly criticizing his government. He has been detained ever since following two arrests in January for participating peacefully in demonstrations. On the other two occasions he was quickly released, but this time he has been confined for several months. CCS has written the President of Sudan requesting his release. Postscript ... Continue Reading>>
Activist Objects to Execution of a Kashmiri Militant. Centre for Historical Studies at JNU Refuses Dissertation, Threatened By Nationalists with Gun and Accused of Sedition.
Umar Khalid, a well-known student activist and post-Grad student at the Centre for Historical Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University was threatened after protesting the execution of a Kashmiri militant. The school refused to accept his Ph.D. submission. He was accused of sedition and threatened with a guy by local nationalists. CCS has written the Prime Minister requesting protection of Khalid ... Continue Reading>>
Medical Student In Nicaragua Reportedly Beaten While Detained
Amaya Eva Coppens, a medical student at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua in Leon, was arrested following a protest demonstration on September 10th. On October 26, it was reported that she and 18 other women confined at La Speranza prison were attacked and beaten by over 20 unidentified, hooded men. None of the women received medical treatment. Four days following the attack ... Continue Reading>>