Dr. Ahmed Al Tohamy Abdel-Hay Arrested for Expressing Thoughts About the Current Administration
Geng Xiaonan, Book Publisher and Former Professor Detained in China For Supporting Scholars Calling for Intellectual Reforms
Tuna Altinel, French Professor, Acquitted of All Charges and Released By Turkish Court But Passport Still Withheld
Professor in Bahraini Prison Requires Healthcare and Needs To Be Released
Professor of Chinese History Forced to Denounce Daughter to Gain Freedom
Professor of Literary Criticism Suspended Without Pay in South Sudan for Differing With Government Policies
Taban Lo Liyong, a professor of literary criticism was suspended without pay for writing an article in which he differed with the government’s position regarding establishment of 32 new states to replace the current 10 states, noting that it would be inequitable and unconstitutional. CCS wrote to the University’s Vice Chancellor requesting a review of the case and to support Liyong’s right to ... Continue Reading>>
Turkish/US Dual Citizen Still Barred From Returning To His Job In the US
Professor Ismail Kul was arrested in August 2016 for allegedly participating in the attempted coup of July 2016, and imprisoned for 18 months. The Turkish authorities released him in January 2018, six months after evidence of his innocence came out. He is still barred from traveling, and, in particular, from returning to his home in the US, and resuming his work as a Chemistry professor at Widener ... Continue Reading>>
Another Academic for Peace Sentenced to 2 Years, 1 Month in Prison
Ayşe Gül Altınay, an anthropology professor from Sabancı University was sentenced to 2 years and 1 month in prison on May 21, 2019. She is being charged with "knowingly and willingly aiding a terrorist organization as a non-member" for having signed a petition in 2016 protesting human rights violations in Southeastern Turkey (the Peace Petition). Her sentence is being appealed. To this day, 193 ... Continue Reading>>
Indonesian Sociology Professor Arrested for Allegedly Insulting the Military
Professor Robertus Robet, a sociology professor at the State University of Jakarta, was arrested in March 2019 for allegedly insulting the Indonesian military at a rally. He sang a song that he had sung at a rally 30 years ago. After a video of that was posted online he was arrested. He has been released, but faces a 4-year prison sentence, if convicted at trial. April 18, 2019 H. M. ... Continue Reading>>