Hugo Sobral, Head of the Iran Task Force at the European Action Service responded to a request from CCS to intercede in the arrest and possible sentencing of Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali, an Emergency Medicine physician who was arrested in Iran and has been held for several months awaiting trial. From: EC ARES NOREPLY <> Subject: Ares(2017)876889 - Re: Request to ... Continue Reading>>
Doctor’s Estimate About Epidemic
Leads to Threat of Terrorist Charge
Doctors in Venezuela warned that an outbreak of a mosquito-borne disease in Venezuela could lead to a wider epidemic, as it had in other South American nations. The government accused one doctor of "psychological terrorism" and threatened him with prosecution, forcing him to flee the country. Representatives of the medical profession characterized the threats as part of a campaign against their ... Continue Reading>>
Turkey Prosecutes Leaders of Organizations Involved in Gezi Protests, Scientists Included
Criminal trials have started against many of the organizations included in peaceful protests in 2011. Included are the leaders of associations of medical, engineering and architects. According to Amnesty International, the indictment charging these defendants does not contain any evidence of participation in or incitement to violence or any other criminal activity. CCS wrote to urge dismissal of ... Continue Reading>>
Criminal, Legal, and Administrative Restrictions Aim At Limiting Turkish Doctors in Aiding Injured Protesters
CCS joins international outcry at measures instituted in Turkey against doctors who set up emergency medical facilities to treat protesters injured during demonstrations last summer. Criminal prosecutions started in May, 2014, call for long jail sentences. Legislation and administrative measures punish emergency care taken without government oversight last summer, putting professionals in conflict ... Continue Reading>>
Turkish Court Releases Professor on
Medical Grounds
Prof. Fatih Hilmioğlu, former rector of Inonu University, was released from jail on February 20 for six months after an order from the Constitutional Court that said his imprisonment interfered with his treatment for cancer and other illnesses acquired in prison, and this constituted an infringement of his right to life. Immediately after leaving the prison, Hilmioğlu said "If I've been released ... Continue Reading>>
Highlights of 2013 Cases
During the past year, we have achieved some successes, and persevered in our struggle when we haven't. We welcomed some notable releases from jail – of Dr. Cyril Karabus in the United Arab Emirates, and of Drs. Kemal Guruz and Mehmet Haberal in Turkey. These were achieved after several years of advocacy by CCS and other science human rights organizations. The following summary of our ... Continue Reading>>
Dr. Cyril Karabus Returns to South Africa Cleared of UAR Manslaughter Charges
After eight months of frustrating delays in the United Arab Republic, the 78-year old South African pediatrician and oncologist, who was arrested on his way through Dubai last August, finally went home on May 17. The arrest grew out of a 2002 treatment by Dr. Karabus of a child suffering from cancer in the UAR. The patient later died of leukemia. ... Continue Reading>>
South African Surgeon Arrested in Dubai For Death Twelve Years Ago of Patient
Dr. Cyril Karabus, an eminent South African pediatric surgeon and professor of medicine, was arrested while en route home for charges stemming from the death of patient twelve years ago. He had operated on a child suffering from cancer in the United Arab Emirates, who later died of leukemia. Although earlier charges on the same grounds (of which Dr. Karabus was never notified) had been dismissed, ... Continue Reading>>
Advocacy on Behalf of Bahraini Health Care Professionals Continues
The international community of professional health care providers was shocked when military courts in Bahrain convicted their colleagues for assisting protesters in 2011. The Bahraini public prosecutor reversed the sentences and the professionals were tried in civilian courts, which handed down long jail sentences. CCS urged Bahraini authorities to reinstate all of the defendants in their ... Continue Reading>>
Petition for the Release of Drs. Haberal and Hilmioglu from Prison in Turkey
We urge the signing of this petition for the release of Drs. Haberal and Hilmioglu for health reasons pending the outcome of their trials. To: His Excellency Abdullah Gul, President of the Republic of Turkey This petition is sponsored by the Committee of Concerned Scientists — an independent organization of scientists, physicians, engineers and scholars devoted to the protection and advancement ... Continue Reading>>