Dr. Jack Minker, CCS Vice Chair for Computer Science, has authored a letter to the editor in the May 2016 Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (CACM) explaining Dr. Masaud Jahromi’s legal situation. Minker also requested assistance for job and residential placement. CCS has been advocating for Dr. Jahromi, former chair of the Telecommunications Engineering Department of ... Continue Reading>>
Masaud Jahromi Deported from Bahrain
In 2011, Dr. Jahromi, who was previously Chairman of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Ahlia University’s College of Mathematical Sciences and Information Technology and holds a PhD in Telecommunication Networking from the University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom, was sentenced in 2011 to four months of prison and a fine of 500 dinars for participating in “unauthorized ... Continue Reading>>
2015 Annual Report
During 2015, the Committee of Concerned Scientists continued to advocate on behalf of scientists, academics, engineers and physicians. We wrote in concern for more than 21 individuals or groups of individuals, located in 11 countries. We generally addressed our letters to the heads of state, as well as to the country’s ambassadors, the United States ambassador for the particular jurisdiction, ... Continue Reading>>
Bahraini Engineer’s Appeal for Deportation to be Held March 6th
Dr. Masaud Mirza Jahromi, who was wrongfully stripped of his Bahrainian citizenship on January 31, 2015, has been notified that he would be deported shortly. An Appeal of that decision is to be held on March 6th. Should the decision be upheld, Dr. Jahromi will be deported shortly — without his family. CCS has written requesting the Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs to correct this error and ... Continue Reading>>
Highlights of 2015 Cases
Throughout 2015, CCS advocated for 15 cases in behalf of scientists, academics and doctors in 10 countries. The following are highlights of our cases so far. The situation in China has become dire for Human Rights attorneys. We advocated for two of them who defended CCS clients in past cases. In Iran, the situation has not improved for Omid Kokabee but we have continued to write in his ... Continue Reading>>
2012 Annual Report
Summaries of 2012 Cases During 2012, the Committee of Concerned Scientists continued to advocate on behalf of scientists, academics, engineers and physicians. We wrote in concern for more than 23 individuals or groups of individuals, located in 9 countries. We generally addressed our letters (available in full on our website, concernedscientists.org) to the heads of state, as well as to the ... Continue Reading>>
Highlights of 2012 Cases
This year, we have helped academics, human rights activists, scientists and physicians in eight countries. Here is a summary of our work. Our more detailed Annual Report will be released in February. ... Continue Reading>>
Good News from Bahrain: Dr. Jahromi is Reinstated
The Committee of Concerned Scientists received the following email from Dr. Masaud Jahromi. Dear friends and colleagues; Hi, I would like to inform you that last night I have been reinstated officially to my position - Chair of Telecommunication Engineering department in Ahlia University. Appreciating your remarkable efforts. Wishing the day that all Bahrainis receive their ... Continue Reading>>
Bahrain Should Reinstate Professors, Students as Independent Commission Recommends, SAR Urges
The Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI, established by the Bahraini government to investigate the aftermath of last year's protests in Bahrain) documented numerous instances of human rights violations against academics and students. Scholars at Risk (SAR), an international network of universities and colleges, recently called upon authorities in Bahrain to implement all of the ... Continue Reading>>
An Update on Professor Jahromi in Bahrain
On January 19, 2012, Professor Masaud Jahromi of Bahrain met with the Public Prosecutor before the verdict for his trial was issued. The Public Prosecutor ordered that the charges be dropped since it was related to “freedom of speech” which is consistent with the report of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI). ... Continue Reading>>