Worldwide Alert: Medical Doctor, Ahmadreza Djalali, Who Was Sentenced to Death in Iran in 2017, Taken from Prison Cell to Undisclosed Location
On July 29, Ahmadreza Djalali, dual citizen of Iran and Sweden, sentenced to death on a bogus charge of “cooperation with hostile government” in 2017, was taken out of Evin prison in Tehran to an isolated cell at an undisclosed location. Djalali was blindfolded before the relocation and the purpose for this is unknown. Director of European Projects on Disaster Medicine, Djalali was arrested by ... Continue Reading>>
Ahmadreza Djalali’s Case Scheduled For Hearing By Supreme Court; Desperately In Need of Medical Care
Ahmadreza Djalali's case has been scheduled for a new hearing at the Supreme Court Branch 33 in Qom City. There is no specific date set, as yet, for this hearing. His health has seriously deteriorated. He is in need of urgent medical care but was refused hospitalization. Attached are letters from Dr. Djalali to the judiciary and one from his mother, as well. Letter from Djalali to the ... Continue Reading>>
Dr. Djalali’s Appeal Never Submitted By His Lawyer At Direction of the Judge
Following the dismissal of Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali's attorney and the appointment of a defense attorney at the instruction of the Court, Dr. Djalali was sentenced to death. At that time, he was given 20 days to appeal his sentence. His family was informed that the appeal had been submitted to the Court in a timely manner. Two days ago, the attorney informed the family that Dr. Djalali's ... Continue Reading>>