Several Chinese American citizens have been accused of spying for China. They have been found not guilty and their agencies/organizations have refused to reinstate them into their prior position. Dr. Sherry Chen, on appeal, requested her job back. The judge ruled that the situation was egregious and she was to be reinstated, with full pay and benefits. Now the U.S. Department of Commerce has ... Continue Reading>>
Committee of 100, the United Chinese Americans, the Ohio Chinese American Association and Nine Additional Community Groups, Demand Justice for Sherry Chen
Numerous organizations were outraged and are demanding justice for a Chinese-American, award-winning hydrologist, Sherry Chen. In 2014, she was falsely accused of spying for China. The charges were dropped in 2015. In 2016, she was fired from her job at the Commerce Department. Sherry appealed her firing to the Merit Systems Protection Board and won. In April 2018, the Chief Administrative ... Continue Reading>>
NOAA Scientist Wins Case – Ordered To Be Reinstated to Job With Back Pay Granted
NOAA scientist, Sherry Chen, was wrongfully arrested and as a result lost her position at NOAA. She was accused by the US government of spying for China. After an investigation it was found by the Justice Department that she was innocent and she was released. But, she was not re-hired by the US Commerce Department. She was accused of stealing sensitive information from a database regarding the ... Continue Reading>>