Sayed Alawi Hussain al-Alawi, a telecom engineer with Batelco, was arrested on October 24 while meeting with other engineers and contractors at a Batelco worksite. He has not been charged. His spouse has contacted Bahraini authorities but has been unable to determine why he is being held. CCS wrote to the King requesting his assistance in this matter - requesting that al-Alawi be released ... Continue Reading>>
59 Year-Old Electrical Engineer Confined in Jail for Four Years – Hearings Re-Scheduled 20 Times, Finally Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison
Dr. Khalil al-Halwachi, a Bahraini electrical engineer has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for nonviolent expressive and associative activity. Professor al-Halwachi was arrested in September 2014 because of his association with a political group. However, his charges did not relate to the group or his involvement with them. He was charged with “possession of a firearm,” which was found ... Continue Reading>>
CCS Sends Bahrainian King Letter in Support of Khalil al-Halwachi – To Be Sentenced March 23rd
Khalil al-Halwachi, an Electrical Engineer and Professor, has been in prison in Bahrain since September 2014. His case has been rescheduled multiple times over the two and a half year period. He had a hearing on December 29th and is scheduled to have his sentence handed down on March 23rd. CCS wrote asking that his case be reviewed and that he be assured due process and released ... Continue Reading>>
Dr. Abdul Jalil al-Singace In Need of Medical Care
Dr. al-Singace, formerly the head of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Bahrain is now serving a life sentence for his political and human rights activism. He is in need of medical care. CCS has requested that the authorities in Bahrain assure that such is provided to him. February 7, 2017 Shaikh Hamad bin ‘Issa Al Khalifa Office of His Majesty the King P.O. Box ... Continue Reading>>
Al-Halwachi Hearing on December 29th After Being Rescheduled for the 20th Time
Khalil al-Halwachi, a Bahrainian professor arrested in 2014, is scheduled to have a hearing today, after having it postponed for the 20th time. CCS has requested that a representative of the U.S. Embassy be present to observe the trial and assure that he is granted due process and a proper trial. ... Continue Reading>>
Bahraini Instructor and Electrical Engineer Jailed for Two Years Has New Trial Date
Khalil al-Halwachi, was arrested in September 2014. He confessed, allegedly under duress, to owning a rifle for terrorist purposes. He and his family deny his ownership of any rifle or involvement in terrorist activities. His hearing has been rescheduled 19 times over the past two years. It was last scheduled for October 20th at which time it was again rescheduled, this time for October ... Continue Reading>>
59 Year Old Bahraini Engineer Imprisoned for Two Years With No Trial
Khalil al-Halwachi, a Bahrainian engineer arrested for alleged possession of a rifle and charged as a terrorist has sat in jail for the past two years and his trial has been postponed 18 times. Defendant alleges a forced confession after being tortured. CCS has written the US Ambassador to Bahrain requesting that a representative be present in the courtroom to assure due process for al-Halwachi. ... Continue Reading>>
Bahrainian Engineer Due in Court on September 19 Following Arrest 2 Years Ago
Khalil al-Halwachi, a Bahrainian engineer and human rights activist, was detained in September 2014 and has been confined since that time to date. It is alleged that the authorities came to his home and searched, finding a rifle (that was allegedly planted by those doing the search) which led to allegations of his being a terrorist. Al-Halwachi has been in prison since, in conditions that led to ... Continue Reading>>
Bahraini Neurosurgeon Arrested and Charged with “Illegal Gathering” for Participating in a Sit‑In
Dr. Taha al-Derazi, a prominent Neurosurgeon in Bahrain, was arrested and charged with "illegal gathering" due to his participation in a sit-in in Bahrain. Dr. al-Derazi is a member of the Bahrani Human Rights Obervatory, a group dedicated to monitoring human rights practices in Bahrain. He has been subjected in the past to repeated questioning by Bahrainian authorities, has been suspended from ... Continue Reading>>
Masaud Jahromi Deported from Bahrain
In 2011, Dr. Jahromi, who was previously Chairman of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Ahlia University’s College of Mathematical Sciences and Information Technology and holds a PhD in Telecommunication Networking from the University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom, was sentenced in 2011 to four months of prison and a fine of 500 dinars for participating in “unauthorized ... Continue Reading>>