Condition worsens for Ahmadreza Djalali, Swedish-Iranian Lecturer, sentenced for execution in Iran. Health has badly deteriorated. Is in solitary confinement. Family very concerned about his physical and mental state. In need of medical care. Many academics, Nobel Laureates have stepped forward in his defense. Now the President of the German Rectors' Conference and the Chairman of the Board ... Continue Reading>>
Support Academic Freedom at Boğaziçi University in Turkey
The government of Turkey continues to undermine human rights and academic freedom across the country. In January, the government launched an assault on Bogazici University, appointing an outside and political loyalist as its Rector, and then cracking down on protests regarding this action. Dozens of students have been arrested. Petition to support academic freedom and the independence of ... Continue Reading>>
Prompted by Reports of the Imminent Execution of a Medical Scholar, Ahmadreza Djalali, 153 Nobel Laureates Appeal to the Supreme Leader of Iran, Urging Him to Intercede on Djalali’s Behalf.
Russian Doctor Harassed for Distributing Needed PPE’s to Medical Professionals and For Her Observations Regarding Handling of COVID-19 Treatment
Dr. Anastasia Vasilyeva, a Russian Ophthalmologist and founder of the Alliance of Doctors, a medical trade union, observed that care for patients with Covid-19 was not adequate, nor was the equipment available to healthcare professionals trying to provide the care. She began obtaining and distributing the needed equipment to healthcare providers. On April 2 she was arrested and detained overnight ... Continue Reading>>
A Petition in Support of Turkish Academics Facing Job Loss and Arrest
Please support Turkish academics who have been terminated from their positions and arrested for signing a petition to encourage a peaceful handling of the Kurdish population. Our Previous Activities CCS Turkish Archive Hundreds of Turkish academics face prison terms and expulsion from their universities for exercising their freedom of speech. We appeal to academics of all countries to stand ... Continue Reading>>
A New Joint Petition for Omid Kokabee
CCS urges those who support the human rights of scientists to sign this petition created by Free Omid, with the support of Amnesty International, and the Committee of Concerned Scientists. It was set up with the aim of combining the efforts of institutions, organizations and every single supporter of Omid Kokabee's into a unique petition. It advocates his unconditional release from prison and will ... Continue Reading>>
Sign Petition on Behalf of Kemal Gürüz
In July, we protested the arrest of one of Turkey’s most prominent academic reformers, Kemal Gürüz, who was arrested and jailed for the second time based on charges of participation in a 1997 plot. He is a retired chemical engineer and former president of both the Turkish of Higher Education Council (YÖK) and the Turkish science-funding agency TÜBITAK. The move was condemned by human-rights ... Continue Reading>>
Petition for the Release of Omid Kokabee
To: His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamene'i The Supreme Leader The Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran Sponsored By: Committee of Concerned Scientists Your Eminence: The Committee of Concerned Scientists, an independent organization of scientists, physicians, engineers and scholars devoted to the protection and advancement of human rights and scientific freedom for colleagues all over the ... Continue Reading>>
Petition for the Release of Drs. Haberal and Hilmioglu from Prison in Turkey
We urge the signing of this petition for the release of Drs. Haberal and Hilmioglu for health reasons pending the outcome of their trials. To: His Excellency Abdullah Gul, President of the Republic of Turkey This petition is sponsored by the Committee of Concerned Scientists — an independent organization of scientists, physicians, engineers and scholars devoted to the protection and advancement ... Continue Reading>>
Petition for the Release of Omid Kokabee
Please sign this petition for Omid Kokabee, an Iranian graduate student at the University of Texas, Austin, who was arrested on a visit to Iran last winter. He recently went on trial in Iran. ... Continue Reading>>