Israel Yafai and a group of his fellow environmental students protested the administration’s refusal to award degrees to the entire class and were imprisoned for months without a trial.
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@SecBlinken(US Secretary of State)
@pm_nec (Department of Prime Minister & NEC)
May 26, 2024
Prime Minister James Marape
Department of Prime Minister and National Executive Council
PO Box 639 Vision City
National Capital District, Papua New Guinea
Dear Prime Minister Marape,
The Committee of Concerned Scientists is an independent organization of scientists, physicians, engineers, and scholars devoted to the protection and advancement of human rights and scientific freedom for colleagues all over the world.
We are writing to express our concern for Israel Yafai and a group of his fellow environmental studies students who were held in jail for six months and are likely still in there as they face several unsubstantiated charges, including arson. The alleged arsonists are bright young individuals who attended Papura New Guinea University of Natural Resources and Environment (PNG UNRE). Last year, these students were informed their inaugural class would not receive bachelor’s degrees, despite having paid considerable tuition expenses and passed the rigorous curriculum.
On September 18th, Mr. Yafai, along with his colleagues, chose to boycott classes and protest this decision. Their demands were reasonable; they asked for the higher education minister to visit campus and replace the administrators who had refused to give the students their bachelor’s degrees. A video was released on Facebook on September 23rd, wherein the group specified their grievances. Unfortunately, during their peaceful protest, an unknown person set fire to several university vehicles.
The protesting students, including Mr. Yafai, simply requested the degrees they had earned and paid tuition for. They had absolutely no motive to commit arson, as this would either accomplish nothing or make them suspects. In fact, the former UNRE vice-chancellor, John Warren, described Mr. Yafai as “levelheaded”.
The Committee requests that all pending charges are dropped for Israel Yafai and all the associated students. Furthermore, they should be refunded their tuition money and awarded the degrees they worked hard to obtain. Finally, we request the students receive medical attention, as they have been exposed to disease and malnutrition in jail.
Joel L. Lebowitz, Paul H. Plotz, Walter Reich, Eugene M. Chudnovsky, Alexander Greer
Co-Chairs, Committee of Concerned Scientists
Anthony Blinken
Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520