Numerous organizations were outraged and are demanding justice for a Chinese-American, award-winning hydrologist, Sherry Chen. In 2014, she was falsely accused of spying for China. The charges were dropped in 2015. In 2016, she was fired from her job at the Commerce Department. Sherry appealed her firing to the Merit Systems Protection Board and won. In April 2018, the Chief Administrative Judge ruled that DOC did not have cause to fire Chen, a “victim of a gross injustice.” She stated that the DOC top officials ignored or manipulated exculpatory evidence regarding Chen’s conduct. The decision is extraordinary because employees win only a small percentage of these cases and rarely benefit from such strong fact findings in their favor. The Judge ordered the NWS to restore Chen’s job and provide back pay and benefits. Instead of doing so, DOC has appealed the MSPB’s decision.
Community Groups Demand Justice for Sherry Chen (Committee of 100, June 20, 2018, PRNewswire-USNewswire)