As head of the Greek Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) from 2010 through 2015, Andreas Georgiou was credited with producing the first round of reliable financial statistics in accordance with European Union standards. Their information was accepted and published by Eurostat without reservation for five consecutive years. However, Georgiou and two of his colleagues have faced numerous legal proceedings for their work. The findings of Georgiou and his colleagues show the Greek deficit and debt to be larger than earlier figures indicated through 2009, which had been provided by the Greek government. Due to the financial crisis that ensued Georgiou and his colleagues have been held responsible and have been continually prosecuted.
Many organizations and individuals have requested the Greek government to cease these prosecutions against the ELSTAT officials.
The attached petition calls on Greek authorities to drop its prosecutions of Dr. Georgiou and his colleagues, exonerate them of past convictions and drop ongoing investigations relating to their official ELSTAT work. We are also callling on the Greek government to apologize on behalf of the Greek State to Dr. Georgiou and his colleauges for the appaling treatment they have endured over a protracted peiod of time for doing their duty to the highest professional standards.
Please sign the petition in support of Dr. Georgiou and his colleagues.