Ayatollah Khamenei, photo: Wikipedia
Omid Kokabee’s mother wrote a letter to the Ayatollah pleading for the release of her son after serving almost five years in prison without a furlough, or a pardon. Despite the ruling of the Supreme Court of the land in his favor, he remains in Evin Prison with no indication of a release. He is being denied books and the time to read them, his health is failing and from all reports it appears he is innocent.
Read Safar Bibi Haghnazari’s letter below in English or download the Persian.
Letter from Omid Kokabee’s Mother to the Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the Release of Her Son
In the Name of the Just and Wise God
“If [instead] you show [some] good or conceal it or pardon an offense – indeed, Allah is ever Pardoning and Competent.” — Koran, Chapter 4, Verse 149
With greetings and prayers to Your Excellency Ayatollah Khamenei,
I am a mother in pain. I have been separated from my son for more than 1,700 days. It has been and continues to be greatly painful for myself and his father. We spend the days believing and hoping and praying to God for our son’s freedom from prison because we believe we have raised good children. We have taken every legal avenue to free our son but there are those who close the legal channels. Today as a last resort we are petitioning to seek your help.
Your Excellency,
We have often heard and read the news that you are insistent on scientific progress and you believe that the way to save the country from foreign enemies is to arm ourselves with the latest science and you give special importance to students and universities. We hope this last request of ours will not go unanswered.
For the fifth consecutive year, when the academic year begins, in a country whose leader emphasizes scientific progress so much, I ask myself, should Omid be studying in class, or in the corner of a prison cell? Do not let us repeat this question again this year. I ask the Supreme Leader, who I know is a great fan of books and always encourages our dear university students to read more, to order the release of my dear Omid on the occasion of the opening of schools. He is the son of this very land and was thanked and commended for winning a medal in the [Physics] Olympiad…when he met you as a member of a group of top students in 2003. Return him to where he belongs, that is in the arms of learning and academia, on the occasion of the reopening of schools and universities.
My son, like all the children of our dear country, wishes Iran’s glory. Just like in his childhood when he brought honors for the country, he wants to continue to study and do research in our universities.
My son Omid is one of our nine children who have each been blessed by Mighty God with unique talents. As a teacher, their father worked hard to raise them. And now all of them, who were among students with the highest scores in university entrance exams in the holy state of the Islamic Republic, are currently studying or serving our dear country Iran.
I do not want to get into the details of the case. I know, if you want, you can get information about my son from your trusted neutral sources (not those who fabricated this case) and see that he really has not committed any sin. What greater proof than last year the Supreme Court, the highest judicial authority in the country, found my son to be innocent of the false and baseless charges against him and ordered his case be reviewed? We were hoping to see my son back home and in university, but shockingly the parallel court again reinstated the previous sentence without a single line of logical and legal reasoning, against the judgment of Supreme Court – the highest judicial authority in the country. Unfortunately my innocent son is still in Evin Prison. Even if he was guilty, by law he should have been qualified to receive parole after serving a third of his sentence. Or he should have been included in pardons for various holy occasions. But he is even being denied his legal rights so as to stop those like him from loving their country.
My son has not been back to studying or doing homework for almost four years. In fact they even prevent him from reading books about physics. They tell him not to read. But books are his greatest pleasure. Ever since he was five, even before he went to school, my son loved books. He knew books were the path to light and he considered them sacred.
In all this time, nearly five years, my son has not been given furlough even for an hour, either for medical reasons or to see his family. This is against prison procedures, even for political prisoners. And despite repeated requests and follow-ups, my son has never been allowed to meet his lawyer to discuss his case.
Unfortunately after five years in prison, my son’s various medical problems and illnesses have made us very worried. He has passed kidney stones under great pain four times without any treatment. He has had serious stomach problems and lost four of his teeth. He has even suffered from heart palpitations because of all the stress in prison. He is still being denied outside medical treatment despite the prison doctor’s recommendation. I ask that you free my son and alleviate this great pain.
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