CCS was among the many human rights groups and academic associations advocating for Professor bin Ghaith, a lecturer of economics at the Abu Dhabi branch of the Paris-based Sorbonne University in the United Arab Emirates, who was detained in April in Dubai and charged for being a threat to public security, undermining public order, insulting the government and opposing the government system. The charges appeared to be based on his peaceful criticism of the government of the United Arab Emirates
Our Previous Activities
On April 20, 2011, CCS wrote on behalf of Professor bin Ghaith, urging the appropriate authorities to direct the government to disclose Professor bin Ghaith’s whereabouts and condition and to ensure his well-being pending his earliest release, including ensuring regular access to family, to legal counsel of his choosing and to medical treatment. We followed up on August 3, 2011, expressing our concern that Dr. bin Ghaith’s trial was being held behind closed doors,
Professor bin Ghaith was convicted of anti-state crimes and sentenced to two years in prison on November 27, 2011, but Scholars at Risk, an international academic and human rights network of 270 universities and colleges in 33 countries, informed us recently that bin Ghaith received a presidential pardon one day later and was released from prison.